pilot: GValeriyL
![Award conditions:
• 50 combat sorties](/media/awards/order_red_banner_cvCQMRV.png)
Order of Red Banner 1st
![Award conditions:
• 75 combat sorties](/media/awards/order_red_banner_2_8jsNMcj.png)
Order of Red Banner 2nd
![Award conditions:
• 100 combat sorties](/media/awards/order_red_banner_3_efP2bmc.png)
Order of Red Banner 3rd
![Award conditions:
• streak at least 10 combat missions
• get at least 500 points](/media/awards/Nevsky_ANYdoJR.png)
Order of Alexander Nevsky
![Award conditions:
• participants of 10 missions won are awarded](/media/awards/order_war_2_bJPH81P.png)
Order of the Patriotic War II degree
![Award conditions:
• Return to base a heavily damaged aircraft
• Return to base with a heavy wound](/media/awards/medal-za-otvagu_hO1Q1y8_w6eXFKZ.png)
Medal "For Bravery"
![Award conditions:
• Take part in winning missions on the map of Stalingrad](/media/awards/Stalingrad_medal_lpYS491.png)
Medal "For the Defence of Stalingrad"
![Award conditions:
• Take part in winning missions on the map of Moscow](/media/awards/Moskva_medal_YPZnhug.png)
Medal "For the Defence of Moscow"
![Award conditions:
• Take part in winning missions on the map of the Caucasus (Kuban)](/media/awards/Kavkaz_medal_1rgbyAU.png)
Medal "For the Defence of the Caucasus"
![Award conditions:
• it is awarded to the player upon reaching the officer rank](/media/awards/XX_RKKA_jyjaOKH.png)
Medal "XX years of the Red Army"
![Award conditions:
• Return to base a heavily damaged aircraft
• Return to base with a heavy wound](/media/awards/Stripe_za_ranenie_2_G7Wt6z2_BNgXo7W.png)
Wound Stripe
![Award conditions:
• streak 5 successful flights](/media/awards/best_air_fighter_badge_j9ZgxcC.png)
Best air fighter badge
![Award conditions:
• make 2 sorties](/media/awards/military_school_badge_xXau4VL.png)
Military school badge
![Award conditions:
• make 1 sortie](/media/awards/Paratrooper_badge_IhuNUao.png)
Paratrooper badge
![Award conditions:
• score more than 200 points and make 2 sorties](/media/awards/VVS_RKKA_cvQGGsb.png)
Pilot's chevron
![Award conditions:
• streak 10 destroyed aircraft
• streak 100 destroyed ground targets](/media/awards/TT_pistol_NICKEL_WxW3rBx.png)
Award-winning pistol
![Award conditions:
• 1 air kill in a combat sortie
• destroy 2 tanks in a combat sortie](/media/awards/rubli_SU_ajlABL9_bjH4nMo.png)