Wings of Liberty is a dogfight server. It combines both playability and historical accuracy. The missions represent various episodes of WWII. Every mission has its unique plane set, combat tasks, and victory conditions. We are doing monthly tournaments on the first day of every month. The winner is the team that wins the most missions in a month.
The purpose of Wings of Liberty is to provide a comfortable environment for pilots from different countries.
The motto: Virtual pilots of the world unite!
1. Offensive speech and swear words in the game chat are FORBIDDEN! All the disputes to be settled in the designated TeamSpeak channel.
2. It is FORBIDDEN to attack allied planes and ground units!
3. It is STICKTLY FORBIDDEN to use any third-party or self-developed software making changes to aircraft model or design (airframe, armament etc.) for the purpose of taking advantage over the other players.
4. The aircraft and armament stock is limited. It is FORBIDDEN for fighter pilots to ram the bombers.
5. It is FORBIDDEN systematic disconnections from the server in order to gain an advantage over other players.
6. Don't use the voteban system. If you have something to report about a player behaviour, please report this via the forum or in private messages to the administrator.
Violation of these rules will lead to ban on the server.
Official information: Nazi and Fascist symbols in the drawings of German awards are not propaganda of the ideas of Nazism and are reproduced strictly for historical accuracy, which does not contradict Article 20.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
Administrators: Kirill
Designers missions: Vachik, Kirill, Komissar
Server friends:, Sexton, Rizer, =ORG=, Maxyman, native
Communication with the server team via the link:
With 1CGS and VIRPIL Controls support